Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Little Surprises

It has been a month since my last blog. I thought I would be more into it, but it seems that I just haven't found, or made the time.

My baby is now 10 months old and getting bigger everyday. He is not walking yet, but learning other new things, like high fives, and the meaning of the words STOP and NO!

Now, on to my story of the day.

Tom and I are not overly fond of changing diapers; who is? We continually argue about who's turn it is, and who did what last. Normally, he's more of hold out and wins, cause I can't just let my baby sit there in a dirty diaper. A common phrase heard in my house is "Teddy has a surprise for you"!! Well this morning, he did have a surprise for me! A disgusting little surprise. After brewing up a smelly stinky stank mess, he comes crying to me for a change. So being a good mommy I ignore the foulness of it, and proceed to change to him. I open his diaper and what did i find amongst it all, but a BUMBLE BEE! Well not a real bumble bee, but a small band-aid with the Transformer, Bumble Bee, printed on it.

Sadly, my only conclusion is that the little guy swallowed the band-aid yesterday afternoon. Since that was when it was on his thumb. He had found a disposable razor in the bathroom and sliced his thumb yesterday morning. Tom had bandaged it with gauze and tape, which lasted about an hour before he ripped it off. Since we were out, I ran into CVS and bought the band-aids, and wrapped it up with Bumble Bee. That lasted about 3 hours until we realized it was gone.

I am hoping that's my last diaper surprise! At least for today.