Friday, June 12, 2009

Nine Months

My little Teddy-bear is nine months old tomorrow. Although in some ways these past months have flown by, in others, it seems like years of time has past. Every month is and has been marked with exciting new firsts; he seems to just be growing and learning in leaps and bounds. There are things I already miss, that he has already outgrown. Course, there are things I know I will not miss as he gets bigger, like teething, dirty diapers, and stinky formula. I eagerly await all the new phases and stages he will go through. He is already standing and cruising, crawling, babbling and biting! I look forward to him walking and talking. These months have been a learning experience for me and Tom as well. Everything changes when you go from being a couple, to being a family. One thing is for certain, since day one Teddy has had me wrapped around his little finger. I absolutely adore him, and love everything about him; even his grumpy moods and his constant overuse of "Da Da." Being "Ma Ma," my name only comes up when he's in need of something other than entertainment. Not to say that I am not showed love, cause I get the great big smiles, hugs, and laughs from him throughout day, everday. Speaking of smiles and laughs, his are so infectious (course all babies' are). He is so darn cute, I take photos of him nearly everday. I am so grateful for digital cameras. I have more photos of him and his first week, then there is of me and my entire childhood.
I just cannot believe that in a few months he is gonna be a year old, what's next, college?!

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